For bicultural and multicultural teams wanting to set the wheels in motion and exploit their huge untapped potential, which cultural diversity can foster.
You realise that something's not quite right within your team, but you're not sure what. Each one of us sees the world through our own "Cultural Spectacles." We think our view is universal. Confusion results when we are confronted with behaviour which is foreign to us. The drivers of these foreign behaviours are, among other things, core values and religious beliefs. This can block our access to different cultures, though we are often not conscious of this. Clashes are pre-programmed... unless, you set yourself this challenge. Make first the invisible visible and then define a new common ground!
What nationalities come together in your team? We are happy to advise you and develop an individual training programme with you.
KulturAdvantage Headquarter
D-60489 Frankfurt/Main
+49 (0)69 67701600-0
oder mobil
+49 (0) 162 29 32 997